Saturday, December 7, 2013

Trip to Alaska

Let me start by saying if you ever get the chance to go to Alaska, do it . You will apperciate what we have down here in the lower 48(Alaskan and Canadian term). What I mean by this is my first experience going to Alaska, was a job offer to work on the North slope, and when they say North slope, they mean its not rare if you  see Santa Claus and yes polar bear wrangling is a high school sport.  So my adventure began about 7 years or more ago,  got this awesome job working in Alaska,  my first trip was only to Anchorage, there I would have to do orientation for a week, learning to survive in the great tundra as they call it( looks like Florida,  but with lots of snow).  I would learn the ins and outs and whats to come,  and what to look forward to.  After a week long orientation they send you to the slope.  You work 2weeks on and you get 2 weeks off this is called a hitch.  You start on nights then go to days working 16 hr days 7 days a week( builds character,  sleepy ones). And at the end you wait for the next crew to come in and relieve you as you get to go home. Now that orientation really helped, they just forgot to tell me that it gets 60-70 below zero and that in an instant it can go from clear to, I cant see my hand in front of my face and is that a grizzly bear coming towards me and why in the hell did that little white dog(artic fox) just run off with my gloves. But these are not my most prized memories, I got to see a pod of whales,  in the cook inlet, I got to see dahl sheep( ok sheep are sheep they go baaaaahhh and they have that far look in their eye, like theres a few bricks missing from the building. ) ,I also met my wife there too.  So as my relationship prospered with my wife, I got a job in the city.
Now when I say appreciate what we have down here in the lower U.S. I mean a gallon of milk is almost 6-7 bucks, heck when you buy fresh fruits and veggies they better be eaten that night or in the next day, and by god never try to buy a x-mas tree, I decided that I was gonna get a Christmas tree for our very first christmas together.  So I loaded everyone up and off to the tree lot we went, I gagged when I seen how much a tree was, lets put it this way, my truck payment was almost cheaper, so there we were on Christmas Day,  with our fake tree.
It was one of the best Christmases ever and I wouldnt have it any other way, so like I said before if you get the chance to go to Alaska,  do it,  you'll love it, oh by the way never call the natives there eskimos and watch out for moose especially on Halloween,  heads up. Intill next blog , peace, love, and god bless thoughs who fight for our everyday freedoms.

Click here to see Real Life Millers on You Tube!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Home Sick Blues

Well I'm back in the saddle again, left home sunday night only to end up caught in a cross turbulent wind war of the states. WooooHooo. I freaking swear to god if I get swept away by these highwinds I am gonna freak, knowing my luck I will crash truck in to one of the wicked witches of some direction and all the munchkins in oz will turn out to be politicians.
Just saying My luck and mine alone,could get that lucky.  So here I am trapped in Oz, no ruby slippers to click, I know I clicked the crap out of em and I all I got was a T-shirt and a wore out pair of flip flops. Oh well, home sick blues is all I have to say,  I dont have my family to torment me ( I actually look forward to that) , heck I dont even have my dog to shadow my every movement.  All I have right now is the knowledge that my family loves and supports me, but in the meantime,  I will keep it straight, get back in my truck, stick it in fourwheel drive and along the way if I run over a few politicians along the way, I say hey its what I could do to help out my fellow Americans.  So to end this tune of the home sick blues,  I love you Miller family and to the rest peace, love, and by god, god bless those who keep this country safe and give us our everyday freedoms, even the things we take for granted.

Click here to see Real Life Millers on You Tube!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Aubrey "La La" Miller

Hello everyone its me, "The Wife". I thought Id hijack the vlog to write about someone very special to me, my oldest child, my daughter, Aubrey. She's a regular preteen 12 year old pain in the butt. She's constantly driving me to my limits and testing my patience at every turn. But she's mine and I love her. I wanted to be the one to say something about her because I believe there is a complex dynamic that happens between a mother and daughter especially around this age.
I had Aubrey when I was very young. I had no idea what I was doing (who really does). I had never changed a diaper, much less even hold a baby. I was terrified. But somehow together we figured it out. She was my world and that world consisted of everything Dora and princess. I tried to give her everything she deserved but like most parents I always felt like I fell short of the mark.
When Aubrey was three I became a single parent. I didn't think anything could have been harder at the time but looking back it wasn't so bad. We didn't have much but we made the most special memories. Making cookies for Christmas, Bedroom forts, and road trips. I was working full time plus more and going to school full time. I hardly got to spend any time with her but that only meant we made the most of time we had. We struggled VERY hard financially but somehow we pulled through together.
I met my now husband when Aubrey was four almost five and from the very first meeting between them both it was like we were always meant to be a family. He was the 'spider squishing' hero (lol!)she had needed in her life, and they have had a bond ever since.
I think now as she is becoming a young adult we butt heads more than ever, its because I see so much of myself in her and am terrified she will make the same mistakes I've made. I don't want her to go through the heartache and struggles I did. Although in telling you all of this, I am realizing that all of those poor choices have led to amazing rewards. The most wonderful endings sometime begin with the roughest of roads. If Aubrey only learns one thing from my mistakes I hope it is that.
So if I have to sum Aubrey up Id say she is a smart mouthed, sassy, pain in my butt Id like to strangle sometimes. Which truly means she is an intelligent, independent, young lady who's loved more than life itself. :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Mace Face" Mason Miller

Now this is a young man who has a good start.(on driving his parents bonkers), So anyway, he is my buddy, a partner in crime , and my son.  Born in the early part of April in 2011, This would be the first child my wife and I had together, we had a slim chance of even becoming pregnant, considering the circumstances.   He grew fast in the womb and he was getting stronger and bigger.  As the pregnancy went on , my poor wife was having issues, feeling light headed, and weak all the time. The doctors did some test and we found out she had gestational diabetes. It was quite interesting, because everyone in the house hold had to go on the same diet,( I have never been so healthy in my life) It was a great diet to be on. As the months went by and time marched, ultrasound after ultrasound,  he was doing great and his size was impeccably big.  They set the date of the C section to be on my birthday. Of course he had other plans giving my wife the gift that keeps on giving, KIDNEY STONES measuring out to almost a 10mm. I don't know about you, but, getting something that big down the path no bigger than a pencil lead, (ouch, ouchy) plug pop mess.  Well it was decided( his decision totally). To come a week earlier, being born at 37 weeks,(8lbs 5ozs) and 20 3/4"long.

He was healthy and his size put him into the 97%.  As he grew his intelligence was impressive,  picking up words he could read, learning his alphabet and other things you wouldn't think a baby could possibly know.  Now hes 2 1/2 years old and getting more intelligent each and every day.   His favorite sport is hockey and since he has been born he has been to about 4 live games, getting the honor at 1 game, as the best fan and receiving a game puck from the team. He starts his hockey career in April after his 3rd birthday and he will be awesome(watch out soccer moms) , hockey practice is on.  But in all he is a normal 2yr old, he has his ups, downs, tantrums and most importantly of all he knows his family loves him, as he grows and starts hockey I will keep posting , but in the mean time keep it real and keep your kids inspired because they are the future, and I don't want to end up in an old folks home,  so with that in mind I'm gonna have to kiss a little butt here, and hope one day he gives dad the extra room at his house while mom eats jello with her new found  I love you buddy.

Remember , peace , love and god bless those who fight for our everyday freedoms

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Zandyr "The Sandman" Miller

There is one member of our family I haven't mentioned yet. That's my 8 week old son.  Born at the end of September of this year, he had unusual low birth weight(6lbs 14 oz) and 19 3/4" long at full term, for us that was unusual because the first 2 kids were over 8 lbs and 37 weeks.  Not really thinking anything of it we were happy to have our son in our lives. He didn't show any signs of being premature in any way.  3 days past, we were released from the hospital to go home.  Only having a few days left until going back to work, I spent time with my newborn son, helping my wife because she was down from a C sectional birth. The week past and I returned to work, only to receive a call from my wife in hysterics, that something was wrong with our son. The Doctor had called and gave her results from a blood test that is giving to every newborn right after they are born(PKU). The test indicated he had been born with a disorder called Glutaric Acidemia type 1.

Glutaric Acidemia type 1 is a deficiency of the enzymes that break down certain fats and protiens in the body to give us energy.  So I called the doctor myself, wanting to know more, like, is it treatable, is it contagious, is it hereditary.  They told me that if untreated it could cause brain damage, organ and heart  problems, breaking down of the muscles and eventually death.  My heart dropped out of my body and my soul was torn into all different directions. How was this possible, it couldn't happen to us, he's perfect.  The doctor also told me on how he had produce or was even born with this disorder.  See it isn't contagious or hereditary,  it seems people in general have a mutated gene in the big DNA pool. The catch is, it has to be the same mutated gene in 2 different people, and when combined, well this is the out come. The chances of my wife and I having the same mutated gene is about 1 in 62,000.
The treatment for individuals with this disorder is not the same as the others. Each person is treated differently, even though they have the same disorder.  Glutaric Acidemia type 1 is a long life treatment. My son eats all the time, most newborns go 3 hrs in between each feeding, my son goes 45 mins to a hour and each time its a full serving.  I have read up on this disorder, It isn't fair from a parents view to see their child suffer, in anyway.  But its something I will have to live with as time goes on, he wont be any different from any other child, he will be able to grow up normal and have a normal life, and one day , have kids of his own. I encourage those who read this, to do a little research on Glutraic Acidemia, its a real and scary disorder. To those who have had experience or even know someone with this disorder, please any info would be helpful, We would love to hear your stories and experiences .
Thanks again for your time on our site, come back soon
peace, love , and god bless those who fight for our every day freedoms over seas, Mine and my families prayers are with all the troops

Click here to see Real Life Millers on You Tube!

The Day After

So anyway its 2 days after T-day, I can't feel my waist! It's totally missing( Jenny Craig) here I come.  But besides being a potential candidate for the biggest loser, everything is going great.    Only regret I have is not being able to finish the 6th plate of mashed taters. Oh my ( POP!!!) ,  weight gone and watching endless counts of football( no regrets). Even though my Cornhuskers got it handed to them, I say a bad day at watching football is better than any good day at work( selfish I think not). But anyway just taking in what I can before having to go back to work in another city away from my family. It will be almost another 3 weeks before I see them again. But in the meantime I will continue blogging. The inspiration of my family is what keeps it going, knowing that there love has no end for me.  Maybe Ol Saint Nick can give me a lift(maybe I can ride a reindeer, Rudolph perhaps nah that requires sunblock red nose and everything) or I can work on my tan along the way, who knows. Back to reality , so here it is and there it goes until next year around this time. To fast for a good day and then have an unannounced eating contest with those you love the most. Maybe next year it will be a 7th plate of mashed taters and that will be the only regret I will every have not finishing that last bite. TO BE CONTINUED......Peace, love, and god bless those who protect are everyday freedoms.

T Day

So anyways starting this new blog about whatever in the world  you wanna say or write about is a whole new experience in itself. So here it is, in a nut shell, a padded room or maybe in your sleep.  So my family and I are experiencing a little apart time, No, Not young in the restless or anything of that nature. Just in the process of relocating.  Its been almost 3 weeks since I have seen my family.  I'm working in one city and family is in another, I know there's people who know what I'm talking about, Its hard, it stinks, and its just plain difficult.  But you keep your eye on the prize as they say, or The pot gold at the end of the rainbow.   I started work here recently, the first part of November to be exact, and it would be almost 3 weeks before I could see my family.  My will is strong and my sight is clear on what I need to do.  I have made sure in these past few weeks my family has everything, even if that means I'm doing without the simple things we take for granted, like eating a full meal, besides Ramon noodle 4 times a week, to sleeping in a bed where you know you will be safe and can get that precious sleep, talking with your children, your wife or even the company of your furry 4 legged friend who's your every shadow and companion while watching your favorite college team get it handed to them.  So in my absence of the 3rd week I had a chance to get home early , the day of Thanksgiving , I work a 3pm to 1am shift  Mon-Fri.
I had to bargain with my Boss to switch days off, and the bargain paid off( sounds a lot like a country song). To work a Sunday night and in return I could have Friday after thanksgiving off.  Got myself an extended weekend and my precious wife having no idea I would be home the day of Thanksgiving, only expecting me the day after T-day in the evening.  To her surprise and a little embellishment from My mother( I love you Mom) , I showed up unannounced early Thanksgiving day, where a long placed welcome had been in store, I was excited  to see my family , my 2 year old son was the most excited, not quite understanding my absence and its purpose. If only he knew, what parents would do for there children, but then again he knows, kids are a lot smarter than we sometimes give credit to.  I was happy to be home and everything I had taken for granted, I wouldn't anymore.  Soaking up there love for me and mine for them was all I really needed. I had worked the night before intill early in the morning of the next day. Getting only a couple hours of  sleep( from being anxious to see them) and then driving 4 hours as fast as I could , I think I could have given Jimmy Johnson a run for his money.  After being home only 30 mins. I felt a since of relief and self worth. My Family, I got the whole world, and that's why we live in a nutshell.
So its Thanksgiving , I have everything to be thankful for.  Now its time to feast a long waited meal, of Turkey, mashed taters( a Little redneck, don't mind if  I do)biscuits, gravy, veggies, yams, cranberry sauce, black olives , deviled eggs, laughter , smiles , BSing over the past, present and future, Only to turn to a major weight gain and sleeping on the couch half way through the second quarter.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... what Touchdown, woooooo hooooo...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. thats end folks, like only minutes past, but you feel great, cause in reality its been 3hrs and the best sleep in years only to get seconds and some of that pumpkin pie or banana cream pie.
I love my life, Thanksgiving, football, and sleep... hey what can I say, Life is good, I choose it to be and I can't wait untill next year...  To BE continued...
Peace, love, and god bless, especially those who are over seas, who give us the freedom to do so.