Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spring is Coming

As we head into the month of March in a week or so, I have noticed that days are getting longer and a lot warmer. It has been a so, so winter. With some nights getting below zero. As the nation watched on FEB. 2nd, the little fury ground hog approached out of his log built home, only to reveal that we were in doubt headed down the wintery path for another 6 weeks. Stupid ground hog, I mean really who came up with this. Were we really that superstitious to think a little fury animal held the key to an early spring or a long winter. I think next year on Feb. 2nd, we should barricade that ground hog into his home and just take our chances.
Believe it or not, the out come is always the same in the long run and we always pull through. Here is to a great spring and an end to a winter. Until next time peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.