Wednesday, November 26, 2014

1 year Anniversary- T-Day eve

Here we go, another year past and gone. It has been 1 year since The Real Life Millers' came to Google  and You Tube. I know we have not blogged as much as we wanted to, but, we have Vlogged.
So first off I wanna Thank those who follow us. We are excited for the next up coming year and wanna get more videos out as well as blogs.
So stay tuned and enjoy. We welcome you to be apart of our family.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving 2014 and it is shaping up to be a good one. Family is coming and I am.....
Busy, yeah that's it. Busy! That precious time of year when family comes together to feast on a wild game bird. Hmmmmmm, Now lets think about this...... what if back in the day of the very first thanks giving the indians brought something else to the pilgrim besides a turkey?

Just saying, what if? It could be something like happy horse day or even happy puppy day! Could you really imagine? The price of dinner would go up and left overs would go on for days. Or the kids would be really excited because the family would get a new pet every year. LOL. Just joking. But, what if???
 It could have been as simple as the Indians' getting ready to come to dinner and they were looking around and were like all we got is turkey, bring it. Fresh out of dog  and can't spare a horse. Lol. oh well until next time god bless our troops and everyone. Later