Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day

This weekend marks one of the most decorated holidays in the U.S. It is a day we recognize our fallen solider's. From the past, present and future. It is also a day we recognize our current enlisted individuals who sacrifice their lives to protect what we all believe in and that is freedom.
I have family that serves and have had family that has served in the passed. I am truly honored and blessed to have had family that has served for my rights I have today.
That is just a small definition of Memorial day. Now if your a redneck just like we all are. LOL. Then planning Memorial Day weekend is something that is on everyone's list. It is a 3 or 4 day weekend that embarks on the start of summer. Taking the family on a camping trip, just to sit in the rain. It always seems to rain all weekend of Memorial Day. 
But if it doesn't, then your activities include camping, fishing, hiking, biking, exct. In the evening you sit around the camp fire telling stories while making smores with kids. Now me, I can't even roast a marshmallow. It always seems to fall off in the fire and it doesn't even say thank you for the treat. Then in the morning you wake up early to get the advantage at the lake. Taking along the kids soaked down in repellent, so they don't become a meal for insects. After snagging lines and tangled bobbers, you pack up the kids before the afternoon sits. 
Arriving back at camp only to come up short at the lake because the fish weren't biting. For some reason the kids were scaring the rocks into the lake and the fish filled with mineral instead of the baited hook. Oh well, there is always next year. Then finishing up the weekend, arriving back home only to unpack what you want to blow off until tomorrow.
Everyone has their own true meaning of Memorial day and how they celebrate it. But as an american we all have the same meaning in our minds and hearts.
Until next time love, peace, and god bless our troops over seas. This holiday weekend is for them.