Monday, December 1, 2014

Star Wars Addict!!!

Thats what I'm talking about. Episode VII is coming out next December! Very excited. I think this only affects those who were born in the 70's. Since 1977 Star Wars has brought the kid out in most of us. I was very excited when they decided to bring out the first 3 episodes and tell the story of Anakin Skywalker and the birth of Darth Vader.
Now they are gonna take us deeper into the story of Luke and Leia. With the new sith lord coming into the picture it sets up a great collection of movies. I know come release date in the theatres, I will be standing line with my Obi One jedi robe on, wearing a Darth Vader helmet holding hands with Princess Leia and the kids dressed as Ewoks'. In the meanwhile speaking Wookie and giving props to Yoda for teaching the those young Jedi all the David Copperfield tricks.
Oh yeah you can't forget Han Solo cruising the Millennium Falcon while in cased in Carbonite, getting chased by Imperial fighters. Trying to make the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
Thats what I'm Talking about. So stay tuned and until next time love and peace to all. Happy Holidays.