Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mothers' Day

What is mother's day? It is a day of appreciation of the one woman in our lives that is there when you need someone to talk to and when you need someone to listen. The one person who took you to school and at the end of your stressful day, the one who was there to comfort you. The one who cleaned up all your mess when learning to eat, to catch you when learning to walk, and cuddle you when the boogey man was under your bed. The support that was given to you in everyday child hood and everyday as an adult.
It will never matter how old you get, because you will always need your mother and she will never stop being a mother. My mother was a hardworking individual who never let me and my brothers' down. Always sacrificing , giving, and caring for us. My mom at the age of 13 had my oldest brother, by 17 my second oldest brother, and by her 21st birthday, me. She raised us kids with a true passion and taught us what unconditional love is.
With out thought she would give her last buck, her last piece of food, and even her last set of clothes.
She is my hero and the one true person I have always looked up to. So thank you mom. Thank you for all you have done for me. Happy Mothers' Day.
Until Next time love, peace, and  God bless our troops, their mothers' and all mothers' around the world.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

In Memory of Uncle Cash

Born in Kentucky I believe, my Uncle Larry was raised along with , my mother and 10 other siblings for a total of 12. My understanding is he was as stubborn as a mule, but in the same sense caring and giving. Growing up, my real father was really never around. I had my step dad and he was a good father to me, but the missing pieces always seemed to be filled by my Uncle Larry. Standing almost 6 foot tall with jet black hair and a mustache to go along with it. He was always supportive of me and always there to be a friend, foe, or just a good listener. My brother Jamie and I always called him "The Man in Black", after the great and late Johnny Cash. Hence forth the nick name Uncle Cash.
Always in a black cowboy hat ,  a black vest that cover his dove white shirt along with matching pants and boots to some up his total appearance.
He was my rock when I had troubles and my guide through life when called upon. My biggest fan when I was successful and my discipliner when in trouble. He made me realize that life is to short to always be mad and he would always tell me, " You could fall through an outhouse and come out smelling like roses." LOL. He would have celebrated a birthday on the 25th of April, but instead he lost a battle with an aggressive form of cancer in late 2010.
Everyday I miss him and wish for his council. But maybe God had other plans for him and giving that council and wisdom to those who need it more than I. So if your one of the lucky ones, when in doubt or in need of some humorous form of guidance. Well rest assure that conscience voice you hear in the back of your mind might be Uncle Cash.
I'm here to celebrate his birth and not grieve his death, because  he would have wanted us to remember him this way. I know it has almost been 4 years since his untimely departure, but it seems like it was only yesterday he was here, sitting at the kitchen counter drinking his coffee telling stories. I guess I will see him on the other side one day and we can catch up on all that is untold.
Until next time love, peace, and God bless our troops over seas.