Saturday, January 11, 2014

Baaaaaaaaaaahhh Bye Wyoming

I'm happy to say that the great state of Wyoming is behind us. No offense to anyone that reads this and is from Wyoming. But how do you say it? It's not for me. The health care stinks and there's no place to live really. I have seen people that have got jobs there and live in motels and hotels. When you have a family you need space. Not cramped up in some one bedroom, I hear my neighbors' T.V., and his dog won't shut up kind of place. Oh yeah and the wind blows there like 364 days out of year. Anyway now we are back home where it's normal to us and all is well. It was a short trip, but, in the end it's always hard to move. When you have kids a 3 hour trip turns into 5 hours. Then after driving so long you have to unload the U-Haul. By then you're so tired that you just start throwing your stuff into storage instead of stacking it nice and neatly. Thank god it's over. Now it's time to go house hunting. Wonder if you have to have a permit for that or if it's draw only. Hmmmmmm, you hunters know what I'm talking about. I moved just in time, because tomorrow is the big game and I have to root my team on. My son and I have bronco fever and we are excited to see Peyton Manning run it up. Well to make this short and simple, all I have to say is Baaaaaaahhhh bye Wyoming. where did that come from? Oh no it's to late. I'm infected. LOL, just joking. Until next time peace, love, and god bless the troops over seas.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I can Hear - Zandyr "The Sandman" Miller

As you may all know, we had a scare with our youngest boy be diagnosed with a rare disorder called Gluteric Acidemia type 1. After trips to doctors and clinics, he was finally cleared of this disorder. Here recently we had his hearing test done. Every time we would try to get his hearing test done something would come up or it would be to distracting. Finally, got his hearing test done. The results well, it seems my son has hearing loss which would explain a lot. It's not complete hearing loss but it's enough to affect his speech if untreated. Mild to moderate bilateral congenital hearing loss. My wife being the pioneer of all mothers got in gear, while I was away, and did the necessary actions needed to ensure Zandyrs' hearing needs and survival. You really don't think at that age, how could a slight hearing deficiency affect your child. It can and it does. With lots of appointments with doctors, audiologists, early interventions and speech pathologists, my son now has hearing aids in his ears. He responds better, he's developing mentally faster, he laughs at every little noise he hears, because before he couldn't hear them. I'm happy for him. He seems much more delighted and happy. He can now hear his whole family(don't know what he got himself into) and his biggest hero, because he watches everything he does, is his big brother Mason. From dancing around, to playing with his ninja turtle, to just listening to Mason talk to him. It's a very strong bond between two brothers. I love my boys. They're perfect. Oh yeah Zandyrs' hearing aides can be different colors, instead of the old tan color they usually are. I wonder if he would like Mossy Oak Camo. Never know there's a little redneck in all of us. Peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

Living in the Moment

Have you ever felt like life is going no where? Maybe even felt your job is not what it's all cracked to be or your relationship with your significant other is just there. These are the worst feelings I believe to have. Sounds like a Dr. Phil episode doesn't it? I just been thinking maybe we are looking at life all wrong. If we were to take a step back and close our eyes and focus on one thing at that very moment, I think life would come easier. One of my coworkers put it into perspective for me and it was easy to understand. He said, " Life just is." In other words we have no control over the people or our surroundings or the things in it. We only have control over what we do and how we do it. I call this Living in the Moment. If we choose to live in the moment at that one certain time were we seem to struggle the most, then we won't struggle anymore. It's all in how we process in our minds that make that moment in life a struggle or not.
I thought about what my coworker had told me and you know what he is right. I don't have any control of my surroundings or people I'm around. It is what is and when we accept that fact, well then, life gets easier. Think about it less stress, better job performance, a better relationship, and above all a better life. Listen to your significant other, your children, your coworkers, heck even yourself. We lose focus on the goals we set. It's because we are not living in the moment. It's just something that came to me the other night. With all that is going on in mine and my families lives.
Why is it so hard? Why can't we succeed? Then it dawned on me. I'm not living in my moment. I'm trying to hard to fix everything that I have no control over. So I think I'm going to take a step back and close my eyes and focus on the present. Get back in the moment here and now. Maybe that's when it all will turn around. Until next time, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


What is time? The accurate description in my opinion would be, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year accumulated over a single period. Sounds like a lot or not enough. Depending on how you use time. For me it seems I don't have enough to spare. Time is money and you need time to make a living. Some people have to much of it and others well you know don't have it all. So here's a question if I may ask. What if we got paid in time? Hmmmm, sounds like a no brainer there. We wouldn't be able to live or even take care of our families. Because, it's the one thing that we spend faster than money. You work, you come home, and so on. Before you know it your kids are  grown up, off to college, getting married, or having kids of their own. It's an endless supply, we just can't afford to have enough of it. Can you remember when you were 5 years old? Playing with your favorite toys. Even 15 years old, waiting on getting to 16 years old to get a drivers license. Then your 18 in college, 21 comes next, and before you know it your pushing 40. Wondering dang what did I do with all that time. No regrets here. Just saying think about it. It flies by fast. When it does you start to notice. Not at first, but then you do. Loved ones you though would never leave this world start to. Why? It's simple, their times spent. Your kids grow fast. They're spending theirs'. You look in the mirror and notice that your face is getting different. Grey hair, little weathered, wrinkles, loss of hair and you realize one thing, my time is almost up. To those who read this and have time to spare don't waste it on nothing. Invest it, like it was your life savings. Those who have a little left, well I say spend it wisely. Until next time, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Moving Date

Finally some good news. My family will be joining me. A very long 2 1/2 months, of going back and forth, talking on the phone and not waking up to my family every morning. It's very difficult for anyone to go through. When reasoning is for the greater good. Funny the things you miss when your away, like your 2 year olds fingers in your nose and ears in the morning, because your alarm clock and his are not set the same. True love there. The soggy bowl of Cheerios that your youngest is so eager to share. Yeah things we take for granted, suddenly not there. Even the baby not crying in the middle of night to ensure mom and dads insomnia. Things I welcome back with open arms. Dang, it would be great not to be able to sleep at night again. My life would be complete once more and we could move forward in our futures. It's like the old saying is, "You don't know what your missing, until it's gone." So I am grateful that things are starting to look up. On Sunday my son and I have a date to watch our favorite football team take a step closer to the show. He is quite a fan and enjoys watching the game and maybe he can bring his own mascot to the big game(Thanks Grandma and Papa). I will make sure on the next blog I get pictures of Mason and his trusty broncos steed. Until next time, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.  Go Broncos!!!