Monday, January 6, 2014

Moving Date

Finally some good news. My family will be joining me. A very long 2 1/2 months, of going back and forth, talking on the phone and not waking up to my family every morning. It's very difficult for anyone to go through. When reasoning is for the greater good. Funny the things you miss when your away, like your 2 year olds fingers in your nose and ears in the morning, because your alarm clock and his are not set the same. True love there. The soggy bowl of Cheerios that your youngest is so eager to share. Yeah things we take for granted, suddenly not there. Even the baby not crying in the middle of night to ensure mom and dads insomnia. Things I welcome back with open arms. Dang, it would be great not to be able to sleep at night again. My life would be complete once more and we could move forward in our futures. It's like the old saying is, "You don't know what your missing, until it's gone." So I am grateful that things are starting to look up. On Sunday my son and I have a date to watch our favorite football team take a step closer to the show. He is quite a fan and enjoys watching the game and maybe he can bring his own mascot to the big game(Thanks Grandma and Papa). I will make sure on the next blog I get pictures of Mason and his trusty broncos steed. Until next time, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.  Go Broncos!!!

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