Saturday, January 4, 2014


I would like to take a moment and veer from the obvious blog. The Playoffs will be under way this weekend. I'm talking one of the pastimes of being an American. The days where people are in rivalry mode, because their team is the best. The playoff picture is wrapping up to be one the most amazing post seasons of the century. With certain players breaking records and teams with so much moment it's inevitable the win is in the bag. With the stadium filled with spectators, in complete awe with a holiday meal purchased at every event, good old hot dogs and over priced beer. Yes it's the most precious time of the year. Come Saturday and Sunday there will be one less opponent from each division to face, as these teams make their way to the big show. That's right the grand daddy of them all the Super Bowl. It's for the whole enchilada, all the marbles, to be the best and be called the best.
The feeling you get doesn't come from the middle or end of the season. It comes from the beginning. That first preseason game your favorite team plays until up to the last game they play of the regular season. Starting this Saturday the excitement begins. Nail biting, edge of your seat, heck you even have the family dog spray painted with your teams colors and stickers all over them of decals that represent. The Kids have big number one foam fingers, the wife's wearing a wig, your flying the all most important flag outside your house(The American flag is the best), but next to it is the true meaning of spirit.
So lets take moment and praise. Thank God I love my life, I love my family, and by god I love my team. Take it in, take it all in and enjoy. Come February, I will see you there. Rooting on the team that deserves the crown. Until next time, Love, Peace, and God Bless our Troops to give us the freedoms of our favorite pass times, no matter what they may be.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Count Down to 2014

Yeah Baby! Count down to 2014 under way. That whole year of worrying about everything that's not important is over. 2013 out the door and come on in 2014. Its going to be a most exciting and prosperous year in the Millers' household. No holding back, no second guessing and most of all live like tomorrows your last. For most us, we have a lot of dead weight we would love to dispose of.
I know I do. So excuse me for a minute while I use the restroom.
Now that's better, isn't it? I know I feel better and lighter(LOL). That's what needs to be done just  take a load off. Enjoy life a little more, go on a date with your wife or girlfriend, take a trip to no where(spin the globe and close your eyes, where your finger stops, that's the destination), or even go buy something for yourself, because you deserve it. I say bring in the New Year and if I see you in Zimbabwe, then we spun and landed on the same spot. Be adventurous, love more, step outside of the box, everything that makes life worth living.
So count down with me at 11:59pm and help others bring in the New Year with a little more cheer.
We will watch that big ball drop in time square one more time and watch the most beloved moments in our world. Until next year , be good, have fun and be safe on this New Years Eve. Peace, love and God bless our troops. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Tell Me Your New Years Resolution

Here we are ready for a New Year and what it might bring in our future. I guess that depends on what we decide at the beginning of the year or as we know it a New Years Resolution. So I'm going to tell you a couple of mine and please fill free to leave yours in the comment box under this blog. Just curious to see what other people have on their minds and what commitments they may follow. You don't have to leave your name or anything like that. It can be totally anonymous. So for instance, my first New Years Resolution would be to love a little more. What I mean by that is, everyday life deals us cards and how we choose to play the hand dealt could affect a lot of people or maybe just yourself. If we choose to love a little more, then every hand played will be a winner.
My second New Years Resolution, would have to be never take what we hold dear for granted. It seems we are all guilty of this. Assuming that what we have day in and day out will always be. Especially when it comes to those we love or even the people we work with. There will be a time if it hasn't happened already, where we expect something, because its always been there and nothing. You can put that into perspective on life as well. So those are a couple of things I will work on. Let me know yours. Be good and Happy New Year from The Millers'. Love, peace, and God Bless our troops.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bring in the NEW YEAR

So this is the end, of 2013 that is and the beginning of 2014. I'm getting ready to relocate my family and the worst is almost over. It has been a hard 2 months and the test of all tests for our marriage. You tend to forget your priorities and obligations when your so for from your family. its like a never ending battle. Like there's no end to the war. But it's almost over. Thankfully my wife and I have, what I think is a strong relationship and we will be victorious. The year will come to an end. In the end there is always a new beginning and hopefully this coming year it will be forever stress free. LOL yeah right. So like others we will commit to a resolution that will not be carried out. Well at least the first 2 months we will, but, then we will forget to follow through. Proven fact that now a days people are more busy and take on way to much to fulfill any resolution. Word of advice, make small resolutions and you will fill more accomplished. The bright side is that the Broncos are the number 1 seed and have home field advantage threw the playoffs. Yeah baby!!, New York here we come. Lots of records being broken and they are rolling. This year will be awesome because I' am going to make it a point to take more charge of my life and take my family on more trips and outings.
To conclude this little segment I say to you Happy New Year and may you have success in the near future. To my family I love and miss you. God Bless our troops, love and peace to everyone else.