Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tell Me Your New Years Resolution

Here we are ready for a New Year and what it might bring in our future. I guess that depends on what we decide at the beginning of the year or as we know it a New Years Resolution. So I'm going to tell you a couple of mine and please fill free to leave yours in the comment box under this blog. Just curious to see what other people have on their minds and what commitments they may follow. You don't have to leave your name or anything like that. It can be totally anonymous. So for instance, my first New Years Resolution would be to love a little more. What I mean by that is, everyday life deals us cards and how we choose to play the hand dealt could affect a lot of people or maybe just yourself. If we choose to love a little more, then every hand played will be a winner.
My second New Years Resolution, would have to be never take what we hold dear for granted. It seems we are all guilty of this. Assuming that what we have day in and day out will always be. Especially when it comes to those we love or even the people we work with. There will be a time if it hasn't happened already, where we expect something, because its always been there and nothing. You can put that into perspective on life as well. So those are a couple of things I will work on. Let me know yours. Be good and Happy New Year from The Millers'. Love, peace, and God Bless our troops.

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