Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Count Down to 2014

Yeah Baby! Count down to 2014 under way. That whole year of worrying about everything that's not important is over. 2013 out the door and come on in 2014. Its going to be a most exciting and prosperous year in the Millers' household. No holding back, no second guessing and most of all live like tomorrows your last. For most us, we have a lot of dead weight we would love to dispose of.
I know I do. So excuse me for a minute while I use the restroom.
Now that's better, isn't it? I know I feel better and lighter(LOL). That's what needs to be done just  take a load off. Enjoy life a little more, go on a date with your wife or girlfriend, take a trip to no where(spin the globe and close your eyes, where your finger stops, that's the destination), or even go buy something for yourself, because you deserve it. I say bring in the New Year and if I see you in Zimbabwe, then we spun and landed on the same spot. Be adventurous, love more, step outside of the box, everything that makes life worth living.
So count down with me at 11:59pm and help others bring in the New Year with a little more cheer.
We will watch that big ball drop in time square one more time and watch the most beloved moments in our world. Until next year , be good, have fun and be safe on this New Years Eve. Peace, love and God bless our troops. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

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