Saturday, October 31, 2015

Spirit of Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! Bloggers, readers, and viewers. We just got in from trick or treating with the kids.
Let me say, first it was a great time. We live in a brand new neighborhood and the turnout was rather good.
To the people who haven't lost the spirit of Halloween, dating back to our own childhood, when we watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Beetle Juice and such. Thank you for making it a great night for all the kids.
To those who sit in their homes and leave the lights out in secret, hiding behind closed doors, well I just want you to watch a small clip from a movie that if you have seen then you will realize the importance of it. The movie is Big daddy and there is a scene where they go up to a house and long story short, kid walked away with some great stuff. So in the spirit of  Halloween, be ready next year. It is also a great way to build trust among our beautiful human race as well as new friendships and relations with thy neighbor.
As for now the door bells ringing, I think the Beatles are at my door, how exciting. So remember All we need is Love, dah dah dah dah dah, love, love, All we need is Love. Until next time Love, peace, and Happy Halloween to All. We are The Real Life Millers.
Good night