Monday, February 3, 2014

Funny Isn't It?

Wooo Hoooo, the time of year when the government is actually nice to you. Whether you owe money, well especially if you owe money or if your getting money back. Well I guess I can't say they are happy to give you money, but I am happy they are giving me money. It is funny isn't it? I mean, if the government owes you money they take there precious time and getting it to you. But if you owe them money, you should have for seen the future and already had a pre posted envelope with a check in the amount of more than you owe already on its way. Got to love the Government. Not really, but still. One thing I noticed doing my taxes this year that towards the end of my filing, they asked me about health care and if everyone in my family had it. New law, we have health care already but still. I don't like Obama Care and I do not wish my family to have it. I don't want the government to computer chip my kids and I don't want to be expendable when I'm older. Who are they to decide if I'm worthy of living and receiving health care. So if that's the case maybe are great leader might want to consider this reform. I know I'm younger than him and by his law I have more to offer to the USA, because I'm younger. So when it came down to it and I needed a heart transplant and so did Obama, then I would receive it first and health care would just tell him good luck and make arrangements with your loved ones. Funny isn't it? How that came back to bite him in the butt. Oh well Until next love, peace, and god bless our troops over seas.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

I'm so excited as my Broncos get ready to take on the Seahawks. I'm excited, because I get to share this moment with my oldest son Mason. I can remember watching Denver play when I was younger with , my Dad. To be a true fan and father is something special you hand down to the next generation of fans. I have been waiting 15 years for Denver to reach the Super Bowl. My son is such a little man and such a great fan already. He will set the standard for his siblings in years to come. So lets get ready for some football. Put your jersey on, warm the foam finger up, grill some burgers, chill some drinks, and set back in awe as one of the most watched sporting advents on Television happens. Also can't wait to see the Commercials this year that is always the best. Until next peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.