Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

I'm so excited as my Broncos get ready to take on the Seahawks. I'm excited, because I get to share this moment with my oldest son Mason. I can remember watching Denver play when I was younger with , my Dad. To be a true fan and father is something special you hand down to the next generation of fans. I have been waiting 15 years for Denver to reach the Super Bowl. My son is such a little man and such a great fan already. He will set the standard for his siblings in years to come. So lets get ready for some football. Put your jersey on, warm the foam finger up, grill some burgers, chill some drinks, and set back in awe as one of the most watched sporting advents on Television happens. Also can't wait to see the Commercials this year that is always the best. Until next peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.                    


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