Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Enough is enough

So as it goes in the day of the life of ..... Me! I work very hard at what I do and it seems there is always promises made that shatter before your very eyes. Like when I started my job in November of last year. I was promised a raise after 90 days. It is now day 180. Hmmmmm, there is one promise that is total Bull *&#@( bad word) lol. You get my drift. Then a foreman's position became available and the showed interest in giving me the position. They told what I needed to do and so I set forth on reaching these goals only to once again, get B.S. from the higher ups as they gave the job to someone with no experience and should have been fired for quitting in the middle of a couple jobs. In other words they did not want to pay.
That same foreman not knowing his job fully, let me and 4 other workers lose hours. So now I am backed into a corner. With only one thing on my mind, and that is taking care of my family, I had enough B.S. I could take. Enough is Enough, I thought. I went out and got another job where people appreciate me and my hard work. I have always been an individual that shows respect and gives 2 weeks notice. But these people have backed me and that includes my family, into a spot. So I expressed my first amendment rights. Oops, LOL. At first I felt guilty and then I thought, WHY?
I did everything I was supposed to do and work hard. So the guilt lasted a whole 3 seconds. Being a husband and parent sometimes you have to make decisions that are rash and some what life changing. But as long as I have the support of my family on the choices I make, well that only makes it easier.
Until next time love, peace, and god bless our troops over sea.

We are The Real Life Millers'

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Have you ever heard the phrase, "A Sense of Pride?" It is a very rare term used lightly now a days.
It determines the outcome of anything you decide to do in life. With no Pride in what you do, everyday life will just be, well blah. I take a lot of Pride in what I do in life. From work to everyday living. For example, I'm proud to be a father and a good husband. My kids love me, my wife loves me and well I love me. LOL, sounds conceded doesn't it? Well I'm here to tell you it is not. You got to love yourself be for you can love anything else. That is where Pride comes in.
It shows what kind of individual you are and it is what gains the respect of others that look up to you.
It far and few in between now a days. Pride that is. You see it a lot in the work place. With people you work with only there to get a pay check. Or always saying that's not my job. But if you think outside the box, it is your job and if take some Pride in what you do, it will make that job even easier.
So take it from, takes some Pride in what you do for living and in your family you will be amazed at the outcome. Until next time love, peace, and god bless our troops over seas. I bet they take Pride in protecting our freedoms.