Saturday, December 14, 2013

Its Christmas time in the city

As we gear up for the holidays,  I think theres one thing people forget and thats the gift that keeps on giving. No, I dont mean a cold or the flu, I mean kindness.  For instance,  the so called black friday sales. This is where people get up at like 3 am and gear up for a day out on the battlefield only to come home exhausted and powernap for the next 9 hrs.  I remember me and my wife doing this once. It was a pre black friday sale, in other words the night of Thanksgiving. We decided to go the store, because of a sale they were having, I figured its Thanksgiving, nobody would be there, they would be stuffed , indulging in that peaceful sleep you get right after eating Thanksgiving dinner. But man was I ever wrong.  The town we lived at the time wasn't very big, and I could swear that the whole town was at this one store.  Lined up for miles it seemed.  We stood in line for over 2hrs. Getting shuffled in like prisoners in a jail we finally got through the doors and we had a game plan. As soon as we were in, we split, I went one way and my wife the other. People pushing and crowding. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. To top it off a bunch of the stores registers went down. To make this clear, we got there about 6:30pm and didnt get home intill after 1 in the morning.  Never again, will I go through that.   It just wasnt the holiday spirit, and I know your kids want that new toy of the year, but I believe in, we just sit back like the good old days and let christmas happen. It would be a more wonderous holiday, maybe even better than ever, because the true meaning of Christmas in one word , its not giving or receiving,  but its love.  With this one word and enforced without thought,  christmas would be the bomb. Think about it next time your fighting some lady over a care bear or a tickle me elmo, only to come out with a black eye and no gift, wouldn't it be better to be home instead.  In the company of your loved ones, the only black eye received, is the one you get from your older brother playing tackle football in the snow.  An every Christmas event almost bigger than the super bowl itself. So my point to all this is Christmas Time in the city or in the home, should be the focus of all those you hold dear to you in life and in the end its the best gift of all.  Hey you don't have to get up at no 3 am on any special day, to get the gifts you really want, cause they never run out.  In till next bloggers , happy holidays and Merry Christmas from the Millers.  Remember our  soldiers over seas during the holidays, love, peace and god bless

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Life only gets better if you want it to

I have always been the kind of person that believes a person makes there own luck and that a person is in complete control of their own lives.  For example where you live, where you work and relationships with other individuals.  But those are my beliefs, and I think it has made me a better person. I learn from my mistakes, take peoples criticism to the next level and always try to respect those who deserve respect. Now if you have read the blogs posted, you know that my youngest was diagnosed with a pretty serious condition at birth, and that we have been seen by a numerous amount of doctors. Also we are relocating to be closer to hospitals that could treat my sons disorder. Its been a hard and stressful haul for this family and through it all its been stressful on my kids.  But yesterday couldnt have came any sooner than it did. With a call from the doctors,  with results from my sons DNA testing.  Keeping our fingers crossed, the news was delivered and in an instance all our stress was lifted.  I'm happy, no I'm jumping out of my skin that his results are now negative.  He has been cleared from having Gluteric Acidemia type 1.  But after hearing this news,  I thought, I cant just give up on this, I need more info and more research.  So I think I'm gonna have to help those who have helped me in my troubled times and maybe make those peoples lives a little bit more stress free. Since I'm half way between relocating,  I think I'm just gonna finish relocating my family here with me. So life does get better if you want it to and I must be pretty lucky, cause my family has made it so.  Next time when in doubt, look at the loves in life instead of the I wishes.
I have a great family, a great job and lots of opportunity in front of me. Think its time to start answer the door when it knocks or maybe just open it before hand.   Who knows what life will bring,  maybe it will bring lasers and pirates and stuff, lol. Oh well, all I can say is bring it, oh its been broughton. Sound familiar,  it should......... peace, love, and god bless thoughs who fight for our everyday freedoms.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"The Queen" Amber Miller

So in the beginning god said, let there be light and then there was.  Then he said Marshall its your turn in life to have the perfect woman, and he gave me Amber.  I'm blessed everyday to call this woman my wife, she's a wonderful mother to my kids, she a wonderful lover and most of all she is my rock, she's my best friend.  So it was 2006 that I can recall, July 24th(told ya I would remember). My life took a turn for the best. It wasnt just a turn, it was a sharp turn,  something you cant see coming, intill its in your lap.  So there she was, first time meeting her, in my pjs(first impression, nailed it!).  That night we got wrangled into a girls nightout. I was wondering why I was the only guy, but I didnt complain, I didnt even have anyone to go to the bathroom with, like the girls do( you know what I mean, the flock to the bathroom to supposedly primp as they put it.) Yeah right, my left arm. Anyway it was a night to remember. One of those nights were you know its forever and not forget her or him. Where you earn a real friend and not an acquaintance, where life just gets easy and its easy to love back, because you have it in return.  We have been through a lot together, so much that only the strong survive and there is no room for the weak.  Just like now, where its a difficult time , but I'm never tired of falling in love with her. She has been there for me through my tough times and I have for her, and life will never be full if she doesnt put in her 2 cents.  But to some it up , and with no little breath shes my world, my next adventure, and my heavens spent.  no rhyme intended just sounded good, but that doesnt even scratch the surface of what she means to me and my kids. So as I part away all I have to say, is hail to the Queen. Love you baby , and goodnight.  Peace, love and god bless those who fight over seas, for our everyday freedoms and our Queens to be.

P.S. I have had the honor of her in my life for almost 8 yrs now, and we have been married for almost 4, for once it has been an easy 8, thank you my love, heres to another easy 80
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Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Day

Is it me or does it seem everytime it snows, peoples driving abilities turn into the equivalent of 1 yr olds ability to start to walk.  I think so, I myself live in a state where every year the same time it snows, now sometimes its alot and sometimes not so much.  But its the same every year, like people didnt see it coming, what the hell snow at 7000 ft, this should be like Florida and like everytime it catches them by surprise.  For instance I work late nights get off around 1 am each morning, it had snowed the previous 2 days in a row the roads were slick.  So on my home, I drive about 20 miles one way, I was just cruising along the only vehicle on a 3 lane highway, and a person gaining fast from behind, thinking nothing of it, I just kept my pace and in no time the vehicle was up my rear and to top it off had their brights on , not only is this person being a complete, few choice words, but now they have turned a pleasent ride home Into a suicide mission. After a bout 5 miles of this person up my rear I figured I would slow it down and being the only 2 vehicles on the road they would just pass me.  The roads slick and shinny black(black ice), they decide finally to pass only to give me a California howdy doo(bad finger), at first I thought man , wow, was I really a butt or did the 2 empty lanes discourage them to pass or what, but then I thought you know what they could have just passed me a while go and this would have never turned into unbalanced karma, which I might add was repaid the instant the car had passed me, they spun out and instead of trying to brake easy and get out the spin, they just simply thought more throttle was needed and they were right.  Right to the medium and point of the crash, so I say to you where is your adolescents when the snow hits, do you take your time and be aware of everyone or do you just run with out caution hoping to make it to the other side of couch with out tripping.
Think about it.
peace, love, and god bless those who gives our everyday freedoms

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