Saturday, December 14, 2013

Its Christmas time in the city

As we gear up for the holidays,  I think theres one thing people forget and thats the gift that keeps on giving. No, I dont mean a cold or the flu, I mean kindness.  For instance,  the so called black friday sales. This is where people get up at like 3 am and gear up for a day out on the battlefield only to come home exhausted and powernap for the next 9 hrs.  I remember me and my wife doing this once. It was a pre black friday sale, in other words the night of Thanksgiving. We decided to go the store, because of a sale they were having, I figured its Thanksgiving, nobody would be there, they would be stuffed , indulging in that peaceful sleep you get right after eating Thanksgiving dinner. But man was I ever wrong.  The town we lived at the time wasn't very big, and I could swear that the whole town was at this one store.  Lined up for miles it seemed.  We stood in line for over 2hrs. Getting shuffled in like prisoners in a jail we finally got through the doors and we had a game plan. As soon as we were in, we split, I went one way and my wife the other. People pushing and crowding. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. To top it off a bunch of the stores registers went down. To make this clear, we got there about 6:30pm and didnt get home intill after 1 in the morning.  Never again, will I go through that.   It just wasnt the holiday spirit, and I know your kids want that new toy of the year, but I believe in, we just sit back like the good old days and let christmas happen. It would be a more wonderous holiday, maybe even better than ever, because the true meaning of Christmas in one word , its not giving or receiving,  but its love.  With this one word and enforced without thought,  christmas would be the bomb. Think about it next time your fighting some lady over a care bear or a tickle me elmo, only to come out with a black eye and no gift, wouldn't it be better to be home instead.  In the company of your loved ones, the only black eye received, is the one you get from your older brother playing tackle football in the snow.  An every Christmas event almost bigger than the super bowl itself. So my point to all this is Christmas Time in the city or in the home, should be the focus of all those you hold dear to you in life and in the end its the best gift of all.  Hey you don't have to get up at no 3 am on any special day, to get the gifts you really want, cause they never run out.  In till next bloggers , happy holidays and Merry Christmas from the Millers.  Remember our  soldiers over seas during the holidays, love, peace and god bless

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