Friday, December 20, 2013

Stockings are hung by the chimney with Care

Twas  a week before Christmas and all out of time, I spent every last dollar, even my last dime.
So much to do and no time at all, whoa this ice is slippery, I almost taken a fall.  Rush to the store for last minute shopping, people happy and people were popping. Mason wanting this and Zandyr wanting that, LaLa stole my comb, my wallet, and my hat. The Queen nestled up to the fire with care in hopes of me, myself and I to be there. On Christmas eve with all that's so bright, I'll make my home, I'll catch the next flight. With gifts in one arm and love in my heart, Next year will be different, next I'll be smart.  Once again Christmas will come in and go in a day of our life, I love you my family, I love you my wife. So as we all settle down with time we can spare, make sure the stockings are hung by the chimney with care.

LOL. That's just a little of my skill right there, okay I wont quit my day. Anyway Merry Christmas everyone. God bless our troops who keep us safe, peace and love to everyone else.

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