Thursday, November 5, 2015

First Snow of Winter 2015

So last night coming home from work it was absolutely pouring rain. Wipers couldn't even keep up with the down pour. I don't mind the rain, but, when it turns for showers to getting flaked on, well, let's just say other people's mind go off into wonderland. Yes, that's right follow the white rabbit down hole, because those oncoming headlights all the answers. The funny thing is, that the same stuff happened last year! It's like people go oblivious to the fact we live in a state that gets cold. Little science lesson. Attention, attention, when ran gets cold to a certain point, it's called freezing and if it freezes in the clouds and then falls.... It's called snowing. Wow! Thanks for the tip. Next year I will remember to reread this blog so I don't forget.
Oh well, we all know it's going to be the same next year, the year after, and so on.
Well lucky for us we also live in state if you don't like the weather, well it will probably change within the next 5-10 mins. I think they should televise the first real snow of winter around states that get snow. Really I do. what a reality T.V. show that would be. It would actually show how forgetful some are. Just a thought. Also I betcha people would stay off the sidewalks and out of the trees for a while as well. I'm glad it's here and hopefully we all can adapt quickly. So for the guy who's driving that 2015 ferrari that you bought at the end of fall, try to find some studded snow tires. Everyone will know it's you coming from the small fires on the side of the road. Awesome!
Until Next time Love, peace, and remember when it starts to snow just stay home and leave the driving to the forgetful. See ya.
We are The Real Life Millers'

Monday, November 2, 2015

Count down to X-mas

Good evening bloggers! It is now November 2015 and the countdown to the most precious holiday is among us. Yeah, Yeah we have good old turkey day first, but, after that less than one month until Christmas. That's right Christmas! The year is almost over and Santa Claus is coming to town. The stores are already stocking up with decorations, sales, and such. But nobody is getting merry. Why you ask? Well let me tell ya.  It's because, to most of us or maybe a slight few, it still feels like fall has just begun and there is no way possible that it's almost X-mas time. To others they are in the holiday spirit early and by the time Christmas morning arrives, well maybe they're ready to burn down the tree, short out the Christmas lights, Put trip wires all over the roof, and barricade the chimney or just a simple bah hum bah would do. As for me I love Christmas.
But it seems to sneak up on ya before you know it. So maybe this year we can all prepare a little easier. I know, they can make an advent calendar for the countdown to Christmas. That would be great. Each day open a flap and instead of chocolate candy there would be a can of beer.
 Sweet! Right or maybe not, oh well just a thought. So remember Christmas is coming at a rapid pace. So get ready. Until Next Time Love, peace, and Tis the Season to be Jolly... Fla la lah la lah la lah lah lah!!!
We are The Real Life Millers'