Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Life only gets better if you want it to

I have always been the kind of person that believes a person makes there own luck and that a person is in complete control of their own lives.  For example where you live, where you work and relationships with other individuals.  But those are my beliefs, and I think it has made me a better person. I learn from my mistakes, take peoples criticism to the next level and always try to respect those who deserve respect. Now if you have read the blogs posted, you know that my youngest was diagnosed with a pretty serious condition at birth, and that we have been seen by a numerous amount of doctors. Also we are relocating to be closer to hospitals that could treat my sons disorder. Its been a hard and stressful haul for this family and through it all its been stressful on my kids.  But yesterday couldnt have came any sooner than it did. With a call from the doctors,  with results from my sons DNA testing.  Keeping our fingers crossed, the news was delivered and in an instance all our stress was lifted.  I'm happy, no I'm jumping out of my skin that his results are now negative.  He has been cleared from having Gluteric Acidemia type 1.  But after hearing this news,  I thought, I cant just give up on this, I need more info and more research.  So I think I'm gonna have to help those who have helped me in my troubled times and maybe make those peoples lives a little bit more stress free. Since I'm half way between relocating,  I think I'm just gonna finish relocating my family here with me. So life does get better if you want it to and I must be pretty lucky, cause my family has made it so.  Next time when in doubt, look at the loves in life instead of the I wishes.
I have a great family, a great job and lots of opportunity in front of me. Think its time to start answer the door when it knocks or maybe just open it before hand.   Who knows what life will bring,  maybe it will bring lasers and pirates and stuff, lol. Oh well, all I can say is bring it, oh its been broughton. Sound familiar,  it should......... peace, love, and god bless thoughs who fight for our everyday freedoms.

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