Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"The Queen" Amber Miller

So in the beginning god said, let there be light and then there was.  Then he said Marshall its your turn in life to have the perfect woman, and he gave me Amber.  I'm blessed everyday to call this woman my wife, she's a wonderful mother to my kids, she a wonderful lover and most of all she is my rock, she's my best friend.  So it was 2006 that I can recall, July 24th(told ya I would remember). My life took a turn for the best. It wasnt just a turn, it was a sharp turn,  something you cant see coming, intill its in your lap.  So there she was, first time meeting her, in my pjs(first impression, nailed it!).  That night we got wrangled into a girls nightout. I was wondering why I was the only guy, but I didnt complain, I didnt even have anyone to go to the bathroom with, like the girls do( you know what I mean, the flock to the bathroom to supposedly primp as they put it.) Yeah right, my left arm. Anyway it was a night to remember. One of those nights were you know its forever and not forget her or him. Where you earn a real friend and not an acquaintance, where life just gets easy and its easy to love back, because you have it in return.  We have been through a lot together, so much that only the strong survive and there is no room for the weak.  Just like now, where its a difficult time , but I'm never tired of falling in love with her. She has been there for me through my tough times and I have for her, and life will never be full if she doesnt put in her 2 cents.  But to some it up , and with no little breath shes my world, my next adventure, and my heavens spent.  no rhyme intended just sounded good, but that doesnt even scratch the surface of what she means to me and my kids. So as I part away all I have to say, is hail to the Queen. Love you baby , and goodnight.  Peace, love and god bless those who fight over seas, for our everyday freedoms and our Queens to be.

P.S. I have had the honor of her in my life for almost 8 yrs now, and we have been married for almost 4, for once it has been an easy 8, thank you my love, heres to another easy 80
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