Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Day

Is it me or does it seem everytime it snows, peoples driving abilities turn into the equivalent of 1 yr olds ability to start to walk.  I think so, I myself live in a state where every year the same time it snows, now sometimes its alot and sometimes not so much.  But its the same every year, like people didnt see it coming, what the hell snow at 7000 ft, this should be like Florida and like everytime it catches them by surprise.  For instance I work late nights get off around 1 am each morning, it had snowed the previous 2 days in a row the roads were slick.  So on my home, I drive about 20 miles one way, I was just cruising along the only vehicle on a 3 lane highway, and a person gaining fast from behind, thinking nothing of it, I just kept my pace and in no time the vehicle was up my rear and to top it off had their brights on , not only is this person being a complete, few choice words, but now they have turned a pleasent ride home Into a suicide mission. After a bout 5 miles of this person up my rear I figured I would slow it down and being the only 2 vehicles on the road they would just pass me.  The roads slick and shinny black(black ice), they decide finally to pass only to give me a California howdy doo(bad finger), at first I thought man , wow, was I really a butt or did the 2 empty lanes discourage them to pass or what, but then I thought you know what they could have just passed me a while go and this would have never turned into unbalanced karma, which I might add was repaid the instant the car had passed me, they spun out and instead of trying to brake easy and get out the spin, they just simply thought more throttle was needed and they were right.  Right to the medium and point of the crash, so I say to you where is your adolescents when the snow hits, do you take your time and be aware of everyone or do you just run with out caution hoping to make it to the other side of couch with out tripping.
Think about it.
peace, love, and god bless those who gives our everyday freedoms

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