Saturday, December 7, 2013

Trip to Alaska

Let me start by saying if you ever get the chance to go to Alaska, do it . You will apperciate what we have down here in the lower 48(Alaskan and Canadian term). What I mean by this is my first experience going to Alaska, was a job offer to work on the North slope, and when they say North slope, they mean its not rare if you  see Santa Claus and yes polar bear wrangling is a high school sport.  So my adventure began about 7 years or more ago,  got this awesome job working in Alaska,  my first trip was only to Anchorage, there I would have to do orientation for a week, learning to survive in the great tundra as they call it( looks like Florida,  but with lots of snow).  I would learn the ins and outs and whats to come,  and what to look forward to.  After a week long orientation they send you to the slope.  You work 2weeks on and you get 2 weeks off this is called a hitch.  You start on nights then go to days working 16 hr days 7 days a week( builds character,  sleepy ones). And at the end you wait for the next crew to come in and relieve you as you get to go home. Now that orientation really helped, they just forgot to tell me that it gets 60-70 below zero and that in an instant it can go from clear to, I cant see my hand in front of my face and is that a grizzly bear coming towards me and why in the hell did that little white dog(artic fox) just run off with my gloves. But these are not my most prized memories, I got to see a pod of whales,  in the cook inlet, I got to see dahl sheep( ok sheep are sheep they go baaaaahhh and they have that far look in their eye, like theres a few bricks missing from the building. ) ,I also met my wife there too.  So as my relationship prospered with my wife, I got a job in the city.
Now when I say appreciate what we have down here in the lower U.S. I mean a gallon of milk is almost 6-7 bucks, heck when you buy fresh fruits and veggies they better be eaten that night or in the next day, and by god never try to buy a x-mas tree, I decided that I was gonna get a Christmas tree for our very first christmas together.  So I loaded everyone up and off to the tree lot we went, I gagged when I seen how much a tree was, lets put it this way, my truck payment was almost cheaper, so there we were on Christmas Day,  with our fake tree.
It was one of the best Christmases ever and I wouldnt have it any other way, so like I said before if you get the chance to go to Alaska,  do it,  you'll love it, oh by the way never call the natives there eskimos and watch out for moose especially on Halloween,  heads up. Intill next blog , peace, love, and god bless thoughs who fight for our everyday freedoms.

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