Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bring in the NEW YEAR

So this is the end, of 2013 that is and the beginning of 2014. I'm getting ready to relocate my family and the worst is almost over. It has been a hard 2 months and the test of all tests for our marriage. You tend to forget your priorities and obligations when your so for from your family. its like a never ending battle. Like there's no end to the war. But it's almost over. Thankfully my wife and I have, what I think is a strong relationship and we will be victorious. The year will come to an end. In the end there is always a new beginning and hopefully this coming year it will be forever stress free. LOL yeah right. So like others we will commit to a resolution that will not be carried out. Well at least the first 2 months we will, but, then we will forget to follow through. Proven fact that now a days people are more busy and take on way to much to fulfill any resolution. Word of advice, make small resolutions and you will fill more accomplished. The bright side is that the Broncos are the number 1 seed and have home field advantage threw the playoffs. Yeah baby!!, New York here we come. Lots of records being broken and they are rolling. This year will be awesome because I' am going to make it a point to take more charge of my life and take my family on more trips and outings.
To conclude this little segment I say to you Happy New Year and may you have success in the near future. To my family I love and miss you. God Bless our troops, love and peace to everyone else.

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