Tuesday, January 7, 2014


What is time? The accurate description in my opinion would be, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year accumulated over a single period. Sounds like a lot or not enough. Depending on how you use time. For me it seems I don't have enough to spare. Time is money and you need time to make a living. Some people have to much of it and others well you know don't have it all. So here's a question if I may ask. What if we got paid in time? Hmmmm, sounds like a no brainer there. We wouldn't be able to live or even take care of our families. Because, it's the one thing that we spend faster than money. You work, you come home, and so on. Before you know it your kids are  grown up, off to college, getting married, or having kids of their own. It's an endless supply, we just can't afford to have enough of it. Can you remember when you were 5 years old? Playing with your favorite toys. Even 15 years old, waiting on getting to 16 years old to get a drivers license. Then your 18 in college, 21 comes next, and before you know it your pushing 40. Wondering dang what did I do with all that time. No regrets here. Just saying think about it. It flies by fast. When it does you start to notice. Not at first, but then you do. Loved ones you though would never leave this world start to. Why? It's simple, their times spent. Your kids grow fast. They're spending theirs'. You look in the mirror and notice that your face is getting different. Grey hair, little weathered, wrinkles, loss of hair and you realize one thing, my time is almost up. To those who read this and have time to spare don't waste it on nothing. Invest it, like it was your life savings. Those who have a little left, well I say spend it wisely. Until next time, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

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