Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Living in the Moment

Have you ever felt like life is going no where? Maybe even felt your job is not what it's all cracked to be or your relationship with your significant other is just there. These are the worst feelings I believe to have. Sounds like a Dr. Phil episode doesn't it? I just been thinking maybe we are looking at life all wrong. If we were to take a step back and close our eyes and focus on one thing at that very moment, I think life would come easier. One of my coworkers put it into perspective for me and it was easy to understand. He said, " Life just is." In other words we have no control over the people or our surroundings or the things in it. We only have control over what we do and how we do it. I call this Living in the Moment. If we choose to live in the moment at that one certain time were we seem to struggle the most, then we won't struggle anymore. It's all in how we process in our minds that make that moment in life a struggle or not.
I thought about what my coworker had told me and you know what he is right. I don't have any control of my surroundings or people I'm around. It is what is and when we accept that fact, well then, life gets easier. Think about it less stress, better job performance, a better relationship, and above all a better life. Listen to your significant other, your children, your coworkers, heck even yourself. We lose focus on the goals we set. It's because we are not living in the moment. It's just something that came to me the other night. With all that is going on in mine and my families lives.
Why is it so hard? Why can't we succeed? Then it dawned on me. I'm not living in my moment. I'm trying to hard to fix everything that I have no control over. So I think I'm going to take a step back and close my eyes and focus on the present. Get back in the moment here and now. Maybe that's when it all will turn around. Until next time, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

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