Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I can Hear - Zandyr "The Sandman" Miller

As you may all know, we had a scare with our youngest boy be diagnosed with a rare disorder called Gluteric Acidemia type 1. After trips to doctors and clinics, he was finally cleared of this disorder. Here recently we had his hearing test done. Every time we would try to get his hearing test done something would come up or it would be to distracting. Finally, got his hearing test done. The results well, it seems my son has hearing loss which would explain a lot. It's not complete hearing loss but it's enough to affect his speech if untreated. Mild to moderate bilateral congenital hearing loss. My wife being the pioneer of all mothers got in gear, while I was away, and did the necessary actions needed to ensure Zandyrs' hearing needs and survival. You really don't think at that age, how could a slight hearing deficiency affect your child. It can and it does. With lots of appointments with doctors, audiologists, early interventions and speech pathologists, my son now has hearing aids in his ears. He responds better, he's developing mentally faster, he laughs at every little noise he hears, because before he couldn't hear them. I'm happy for him. He seems much more delighted and happy. He can now hear his whole family(don't know what he got himself into) and his biggest hero, because he watches everything he does, is his big brother Mason. From dancing around, to playing with his ninja turtle, to just listening to Mason talk to him. It's a very strong bond between two brothers. I love my boys. They're perfect. Oh yeah Zandyrs' hearing aides can be different colors, instead of the old tan color they usually are. I wonder if he would like Mossy Oak Camo. Never know there's a little redneck in all of us. Peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

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