Saturday, January 11, 2014

Baaaaaaaaaaahhh Bye Wyoming

I'm happy to say that the great state of Wyoming is behind us. No offense to anyone that reads this and is from Wyoming. But how do you say it? It's not for me. The health care stinks and there's no place to live really. I have seen people that have got jobs there and live in motels and hotels. When you have a family you need space. Not cramped up in some one bedroom, I hear my neighbors' T.V., and his dog won't shut up kind of place. Oh yeah and the wind blows there like 364 days out of year. Anyway now we are back home where it's normal to us and all is well. It was a short trip, but, in the end it's always hard to move. When you have kids a 3 hour trip turns into 5 hours. Then after driving so long you have to unload the U-Haul. By then you're so tired that you just start throwing your stuff into storage instead of stacking it nice and neatly. Thank god it's over. Now it's time to go house hunting. Wonder if you have to have a permit for that or if it's draw only. Hmmmmmm, you hunters know what I'm talking about. I moved just in time, because tomorrow is the big game and I have to root my team on. My son and I have bronco fever and we are excited to see Peyton Manning run it up. Well to make this short and simple, all I have to say is Baaaaaaahhhh bye Wyoming. where did that come from? Oh no it's to late. I'm infected. LOL, just joking. Until next time peace, love, and god bless the troops over seas.

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