Sunday, December 1, 2013

T Day

So anyways starting this new blog about whatever in the world  you wanna say or write about is a whole new experience in itself. So here it is, in a nut shell, a padded room or maybe in your sleep.  So my family and I are experiencing a little apart time, No, Not young in the restless or anything of that nature. Just in the process of relocating.  Its been almost 3 weeks since I have seen my family.  I'm working in one city and family is in another, I know there's people who know what I'm talking about, Its hard, it stinks, and its just plain difficult.  But you keep your eye on the prize as they say, or The pot gold at the end of the rainbow.   I started work here recently, the first part of November to be exact, and it would be almost 3 weeks before I could see my family.  My will is strong and my sight is clear on what I need to do.  I have made sure in these past few weeks my family has everything, even if that means I'm doing without the simple things we take for granted, like eating a full meal, besides Ramon noodle 4 times a week, to sleeping in a bed where you know you will be safe and can get that precious sleep, talking with your children, your wife or even the company of your furry 4 legged friend who's your every shadow and companion while watching your favorite college team get it handed to them.  So in my absence of the 3rd week I had a chance to get home early , the day of Thanksgiving , I work a 3pm to 1am shift  Mon-Fri.
I had to bargain with my Boss to switch days off, and the bargain paid off( sounds a lot like a country song). To work a Sunday night and in return I could have Friday after thanksgiving off.  Got myself an extended weekend and my precious wife having no idea I would be home the day of Thanksgiving, only expecting me the day after T-day in the evening.  To her surprise and a little embellishment from My mother( I love you Mom) , I showed up unannounced early Thanksgiving day, where a long placed welcome had been in store, I was excited  to see my family , my 2 year old son was the most excited, not quite understanding my absence and its purpose. If only he knew, what parents would do for there children, but then again he knows, kids are a lot smarter than we sometimes give credit to.  I was happy to be home and everything I had taken for granted, I wouldn't anymore.  Soaking up there love for me and mine for them was all I really needed. I had worked the night before intill early in the morning of the next day. Getting only a couple hours of  sleep( from being anxious to see them) and then driving 4 hours as fast as I could , I think I could have given Jimmy Johnson a run for his money.  After being home only 30 mins. I felt a since of relief and self worth. My Family, I got the whole world, and that's why we live in a nutshell.
So its Thanksgiving , I have everything to be thankful for.  Now its time to feast a long waited meal, of Turkey, mashed taters( a Little redneck, don't mind if  I do)biscuits, gravy, veggies, yams, cranberry sauce, black olives , deviled eggs, laughter , smiles , BSing over the past, present and future, Only to turn to a major weight gain and sleeping on the couch half way through the second quarter.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... what Touchdown, woooooo hooooo...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. thats end folks, like only minutes past, but you feel great, cause in reality its been 3hrs and the best sleep in years only to get seconds and some of that pumpkin pie or banana cream pie.
I love my life, Thanksgiving, football, and sleep... hey what can I say, Life is good, I choose it to be and I can't wait untill next year...  To BE continued...
Peace, love, and god bless, especially those who are over seas, who give us the freedom to do so.

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