Monday, December 2, 2013

"Mace Face" Mason Miller

Now this is a young man who has a good start.(on driving his parents bonkers), So anyway, he is my buddy, a partner in crime , and my son.  Born in the early part of April in 2011, This would be the first child my wife and I had together, we had a slim chance of even becoming pregnant, considering the circumstances.   He grew fast in the womb and he was getting stronger and bigger.  As the pregnancy went on , my poor wife was having issues, feeling light headed, and weak all the time. The doctors did some test and we found out she had gestational diabetes. It was quite interesting, because everyone in the house hold had to go on the same diet,( I have never been so healthy in my life) It was a great diet to be on. As the months went by and time marched, ultrasound after ultrasound,  he was doing great and his size was impeccably big.  They set the date of the C section to be on my birthday. Of course he had other plans giving my wife the gift that keeps on giving, KIDNEY STONES measuring out to almost a 10mm. I don't know about you, but, getting something that big down the path no bigger than a pencil lead, (ouch, ouchy) plug pop mess.  Well it was decided( his decision totally). To come a week earlier, being born at 37 weeks,(8lbs 5ozs) and 20 3/4"long.

He was healthy and his size put him into the 97%.  As he grew his intelligence was impressive,  picking up words he could read, learning his alphabet and other things you wouldn't think a baby could possibly know.  Now hes 2 1/2 years old and getting more intelligent each and every day.   His favorite sport is hockey and since he has been born he has been to about 4 live games, getting the honor at 1 game, as the best fan and receiving a game puck from the team. He starts his hockey career in April after his 3rd birthday and he will be awesome(watch out soccer moms) , hockey practice is on.  But in all he is a normal 2yr old, he has his ups, downs, tantrums and most importantly of all he knows his family loves him, as he grows and starts hockey I will keep posting , but in the mean time keep it real and keep your kids inspired because they are the future, and I don't want to end up in an old folks home,  so with that in mind I'm gonna have to kiss a little butt here, and hope one day he gives dad the extra room at his house while mom eats jello with her new found  I love you buddy.

Remember , peace , love and god bless those who fight for our everyday freedoms

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