Friday, March 28, 2014

Our sons hearing loss

My son Aleczandyr has a mild hearing loss in both ears. His hearing will never get better but always has the potential to get worse. We are grateful that this was discovered early on because it gave us the opportunity to fit him with hearing aids. Having these hearing aids during the early developmental months will allow him to make those speech development milestones. It allows him to hear like other babies and he will make the same connections between sound and his brain just as if he had not had any hearing loss.
We first discovered his hearing loss at the hospital the day after he was born. They hooked up these electrodes all over his tiny little head. At this time when he failed, we thought it was due to leftover fluid in his ears from the C-section (which can sometimes happen). Our next assessment was done at home. A professional traveled to our home and hooked up those same electrodes and within 5 minutes or so he had failed again. At this point you would think I would be alarmed but I just assumed it was all a mistake because my little man could definitely hear me so it just wouldn't be possible that he could have anything wrong with him. About two weeks later He had his very first actual hearing test where they needed him to be sleeping. We were taken into a sound booth where they hooked him up to even more electrodes all over his head and we proceeded to try to get him to sleep. Eventually he passed out and they were able to get all the results they needed.

My son had hearing loss and would always need hearing assistance of some kind.
At this point we felt thrusted into this world of hearing aids, molds, therapy, and early intervention services. While I am very grateful for all the help we have received, honestly it was all a little confusing and over whelming.
We were able to get him set up with everything he needs for now, but everyday we are worried. We worry about his development, about how long his hearing aids will last (they are VERY expensive and most insurances will cover little to none of this expense) when should he get fitted for new molds(at his age they need to be replace every 6 weeks or sooner because they grow so quickly) He meets with some sort of intervention about every two weeks or so and we constantly have to monitor his development.
Even though it has been a little overwhelming so far I hold out hope things will get easier as we learn what works for him and for us. We hope and pray everyday that his hearing doesn't get worse but we feel confident that if it does, we are prepared and will do whatever is necessary for him and his over-all development.

Aleczandyr with his new Audiologist

Click Here To See Zandyrs Hearing Test



  1. That's so crazy about his hearing loss! My mom also lost her hearing after cancer when she was about 25 years old. It's such a scary thing to deal with, can't imagine having to go through it with your young baby! Keep faith and stay strong mama

  2. Thank you for sharing his journey. I hope his hearing doesn't get worse.

  3. Awwwwww....God bless his little heart. I will pray that his hearing loss doesn't get any worse Amber. What a sweet little angle he is.

  4. I can imagine what he goes thru. I am only 30% hearing in my right ear and thats tough. Prayers!!
