Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hockey All-Star Mason "The Face" Ray Miller

There is a day in your child's life when they are not just little anymore. My son Mason will be 3 on the 4th of April. He is growing fast, smart, and strong everyday. As a little baby, I would take him to Hockey games. Watching the USHL(United States Hockey League), Omaha Lancers. Only at 6 months behind the glass, he watched in awe. I have never ever seen this much concentration and want to in such a young little person. He would watch the whole game, not even missing a second. We had great seats. We were located at rink level behind the goal tender where you can put your hands on the glass and root on your favorite team.
When the players would get close or checked against the glass, Mason would beat his little fists against the glass and smile with excitement. The players on the ice would notice this and it was like they swarmed to him. Giving him the occasional fist bump against the glass. It was exciting as a Dad to see him appreciate the sport and start learning a certain passion, to even this day has not expired.
His interest in the sport is stronger than ever. When I would watch Hockey on T.V., he would be right there, helping Dad root on his favorite team.
With his passion fueled now, there was only one thing left to do. I found out from a lot of players the sooner I get him started, the sooner he would prosper into a great player. So I asked him if he wanted to play and he was all over that. So for his Birthday we got him some gear. To start what I know will be a great adventure for my son. Of course he will have to start at the bottom. Learning how to skate and stick handle.
I took him to the rink the other day. To see if he would like the ice. All geared up in his helmet and pads we hit the ice. At first he didn't know what to think. His feet slipping out from under him and not being able to balance himself. So I grabbed him up and away we went around the rink. he was loving it. He started gliding half way around the rink, on both feet firmly to the ice. He was a natural and he had found his true passion. I asked him later what did you like about skating. He replied," I like falling down and sliding Dad!" LOL. Only my kid.
So Stay tuned as Mason learns the way of Jedi Hockey player. Until then love, peace, and god bless our troops over seas.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness look at him...he's too cute for words! Keep at it big guy!
