Tuesday, February 18, 2014

PRO's and CON's

Yeah that is right we are back. It has been a while since our last post. We have been in the land of moving. Now I have gone against my beliefs on where we live now. I thought living in a house was always a better choice. No one above you, below you, or on the sides. Instead we live in an apartment. Judging from my last rental, this is by far the best move. Now lets us measure the PRO's and CON's of both. PRO's of renting a house: well depending on where you live, you can pretty much do what you want. CON's : Over priced, depending on your work ethic, you have to get up on a well earned day off and cut the grass, work around the house, oh no the gutter came loose again and this time Mr. Fluffy the neighbors' cat was squished. Just saying. Now the PRO's and CON's of an apartment. CON's: Everyone in your building knows your diet. You have to be quiet when it isn't necessary to be. PRO's : A light bulb burns out you call maintenance. Garbage disposal's plugged, because your 2 year old was convinced there is an animal eating all the leftovers, you call maintenance. That hard earned day off pays off, because it's not your grass you have to cut. You get the point.
But in all I am just happy we have a place of our own to call home. Until next time peace, love,and god bless our troops over seas.

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