Saturday, January 18, 2014

Big City Living

 Now that the move is over. Moving from a smaller town to the big city. I realize how much more busier everyone is. Traffic stinks don't miss that. Everyone is in a hurry to get no where. Heck, a regular commute to work takes 45 minutes. when on any normal day in a small town it would only take 10-15 minutes. Yep, that's right Big City Living. Any slow day at the grocery store, is like the most busiest day, in a small town. On the days it is busy in the city, well I just stay home. Everyone has some where to go, but, they don't know exactly where that is. I think they just get in their cars and start driving and then decide where to go. This is called a traffic jam. With the soccer moms at large and car poolers in the express lane, it seems it is just another day for these people. For me it is just another form a stress. Waiting to get in a lane I have wanted to for the last 6 minutes, with my unnoticeable turn signal. Every time it seems you want to switch lanes the person next to you speeds up and stays next to you. So then you speed and then so does he and next thing you know it's the Daytona 500 going down the interstate. Oh well what can I say, bump draft into the wall and I take the checkered flag woooo hooooo! Rubbings racing. Until next, peace, love, and god bless our troops over seas.

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