Sunday, December 22, 2013

Post Season

Now that the year is almost over, we go into what I like to call the Post Season. The Post Season in my view is the new beginning. Always look forward to Christmas and always look forward to the NFL playoffs. January will be exciting, the start of a new year and the start of a new way of life. What does the new year bring, I will tell you. It brings a bunch of busted resolutions, I'm going to lose weight, blah, blah, blah... Well a box of twinkies , ho hos', and some early morning drive thru breakfast should take care of that, 20lbs later and I mean up and not down. To quit some bad habit, only to find yourself the number investor of the product. Me, well I make small resolutions. Like going to work a little harder on being more efficient with family time or going to drink a little more water and a little less beer(LOLOLOLOL yeah right busted....). Who knows I might win the lottery(redneck retirement plan). But as we bring the new year and look towards the future of another Post Season, I say let loose. Live like there's no tomorrow, be good to yourselves and to others. A little adventure is order I think. Maybe go skiing in the Rocky Mountains', with only a smile(wooo that's cold). Maybe going bungee jumping off a perfectly good bridge that has road to the bottom. But back to the subject of Post Season. The NFL baby yeahhhhh, go broncos. I think they will make a little noise in the playoffs to that great eternal bound glory at the end.  So to put into perspective I think the world will be a little better in 2014 and that government will be for the people(LOL) , yeah right.
In till next time peace, love, and god bless our troops. Happy Holidays

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