Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Going Home For the Holidays

As we all saddle up for the biggest holiday of the year. Some of us don't have to travel and some do. Me, well, I'm the part that has to travel. I just got off work and it's 2:25am Christmas eve morning. Soon as I'm done here, I will be hitting the hay for a few Zs'  and then getting up and heading home to see my family. Now I have never really traveled anywhere for Christmas except outside in the morning to make sure Santas' reindeer didn't eat my lawn and leave little presents of their own. Also to make sure he isn't stuck in mine or the neighbors chimney. Yep that's about as far as I traveled. Only to turn around to go back inside and realize I locked myself out again. Don't think about pounding on the door, because no one can hear you. They are to busy celebrating and I'm to busy trying to blend in with smurfs. Now that my feet and hands have lost all circulation and my nose is red as a cherry. You know they say Santas' nose is as red as a cherry and he's happy and stuff. I don't see it. Hmmmm, I will try harder I guess. But finally the door opens and they let you in. I can't be mad at them. I just had a moment of My I.Q. is a grade lower than bean dip right now that's all. Oh well, there's always next year. To do the same thing over and over. Funny thing is you remind yourself not to do that again. But human nature falls into place and once again the door is locked and your standing outside, AGAIN!!! LOL.  Merry Christmas and to those who are traveling be safe getting home. Most of all, Hide the key under the rock. Until next time, peace, love and god bless our troops. Happy Holidays from The Millers'

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