Monday, October 19, 2015


Halloween, one of the best holidays we have. Great time for kids to be kids and the adults are too.
What better way to celebrate, than dress up as your favorite character or even a scary monster. Some of my best memories came from Halloween. I remember when I was about 10 years old, I had dressed up as one of my favorite characters from one of , I think so anyway,  the best movies of the 80's. I was Teen Wolf. Heck yeah! Even though I wasn't old enough to grow a beard or any other type of facial hair. My mother spent, what seemed hours, but it wasn't on my make up. In the End I was a hairy, slicked back portrait of the Full Moon turned Scott Howard. I was the coolest kid in school. Only thing is I didn't have a friend who called himself styles, just James. Close enough.
This year for Halloween I get to go as a hard working, blue collar, not enough sleep father of 3, weekends to short, not enough sleep and time in the day husband, friend, and oh yeahhhh, wouldn't trade it for anything in the world individual this year. Best Halloween Ever! I think My Wife is go as the female version too!
My oldest son is going as The Caped Crusader BATMAN and his younger Brother is going as his sidekick, The Boy Wonder, ROBIN! My daughter on the other hand who is a teenager and in high school, is going as a Cat. She got a pair of black ears. So I guess in the spirit of things, she is a knock off version of CAT WOMAN. Meoooowww! 
So on that Note I bid you farewell.  Remember Love, Peace, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!

Until next time, enjoy.

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