Thursday, November 5, 2015

First Snow of Winter 2015

So last night coming home from work it was absolutely pouring rain. Wipers couldn't even keep up with the down pour. I don't mind the rain, but, when it turns for showers to getting flaked on, well, let's just say other people's mind go off into wonderland. Yes, that's right follow the white rabbit down hole, because those oncoming headlights all the answers. The funny thing is, that the same stuff happened last year! It's like people go oblivious to the fact we live in a state that gets cold. Little science lesson. Attention, attention, when ran gets cold to a certain point, it's called freezing and if it freezes in the clouds and then falls.... It's called snowing. Wow! Thanks for the tip. Next year I will remember to reread this blog so I don't forget.
Oh well, we all know it's going to be the same next year, the year after, and so on.
Well lucky for us we also live in state if you don't like the weather, well it will probably change within the next 5-10 mins. I think they should televise the first real snow of winter around states that get snow. Really I do. what a reality T.V. show that would be. It would actually show how forgetful some are. Just a thought. Also I betcha people would stay off the sidewalks and out of the trees for a while as well. I'm glad it's here and hopefully we all can adapt quickly. So for the guy who's driving that 2015 ferrari that you bought at the end of fall, try to find some studded snow tires. Everyone will know it's you coming from the small fires on the side of the road. Awesome!
Until Next time Love, peace, and remember when it starts to snow just stay home and leave the driving to the forgetful. See ya.
We are The Real Life Millers'

Monday, November 2, 2015

Count down to X-mas

Good evening bloggers! It is now November 2015 and the countdown to the most precious holiday is among us. Yeah, Yeah we have good old turkey day first, but, after that less than one month until Christmas. That's right Christmas! The year is almost over and Santa Claus is coming to town. The stores are already stocking up with decorations, sales, and such. But nobody is getting merry. Why you ask? Well let me tell ya.  It's because, to most of us or maybe a slight few, it still feels like fall has just begun and there is no way possible that it's almost X-mas time. To others they are in the holiday spirit early and by the time Christmas morning arrives, well maybe they're ready to burn down the tree, short out the Christmas lights, Put trip wires all over the roof, and barricade the chimney or just a simple bah hum bah would do. As for me I love Christmas.
But it seems to sneak up on ya before you know it. So maybe this year we can all prepare a little easier. I know, they can make an advent calendar for the countdown to Christmas. That would be great. Each day open a flap and instead of chocolate candy there would be a can of beer.
 Sweet! Right or maybe not, oh well just a thought. So remember Christmas is coming at a rapid pace. So get ready. Until Next Time Love, peace, and Tis the Season to be Jolly... Fla la lah la lah la lah lah lah!!!
We are The Real Life Millers'

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Spirit of Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! Bloggers, readers, and viewers. We just got in from trick or treating with the kids.
Let me say, first it was a great time. We live in a brand new neighborhood and the turnout was rather good.
To the people who haven't lost the spirit of Halloween, dating back to our own childhood, when we watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Beetle Juice and such. Thank you for making it a great night for all the kids.
To those who sit in their homes and leave the lights out in secret, hiding behind closed doors, well I just want you to watch a small clip from a movie that if you have seen then you will realize the importance of it. The movie is Big daddy and there is a scene where they go up to a house and long story short, kid walked away with some great stuff. So in the spirit of  Halloween, be ready next year. It is also a great way to build trust among our beautiful human race as well as new friendships and relations with thy neighbor.
As for now the door bells ringing, I think the Beatles are at my door, how exciting. So remember All we need is Love, dah dah dah dah dah, love, love, All we need is Love. Until next time Love, peace, and Happy Halloween to All. We are The Real Life Millers.
Good night

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Great Scotts!!!!

For all of you who don't, or haven't ever watched Back to the Future, today marks a historical event!
Of course I grew up through all the 80's and the complete trilogy of Marty McFly, Dr. Brown, and that awesome time machine, the flying delorian. Can anyone recall from the second movie, which date in time they travel into the future? It's today Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015. I thought it was a great movie back then and to know that the director did his research. Just think if we even had half the cool stuff they showed in that movie. To think, if I remember didn't the Cubs win the World Series too. Wow, guess who is in the playoffs right now? The CUBS!!! If they win, they go to the World Series!
To think if we had that much power to actually predict the outcome or even come close to the future or the present.
Well if we are going off the movie facts, first things first. We have to make like 14 or 15 more sequels to Jaws. Then we need to get a major shoe company to create or come up with power laces. Next we can all have our finger prints attached to every important number we own, because that's how we would pay for things. After work, get in your car that flies at an average of 11,000 ft. To your final resting spot, home.
Going into your house it recognizes your eye retna's and all lights would come on. While your T.V. and other electronics run off voice command and dinner, well it would come in a small enough package that would even be considered a snack until you hydrate it and Whammmooo, dinner for 10 instantly. Oh well to think of all that sci-fi wrapped up into the world as we know it. Better reality sometimes I think, than what political views and troubles are occurring.
So in the mean time if some wild eye, white hair guy in a flying silver car, telling you it's a time machine and asks you to get in.... Well all I can say is... STRANGER DANGER... code word panda. Nah just joking, but, he might need help getting to the closest psyc. ward..
Until next time Love, peace, and remember We Are The Real Life Millers'! Good Night!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Halloween, one of the best holidays we have. Great time for kids to be kids and the adults are too.
What better way to celebrate, than dress up as your favorite character or even a scary monster. Some of my best memories came from Halloween. I remember when I was about 10 years old, I had dressed up as one of my favorite characters from one of , I think so anyway,  the best movies of the 80's. I was Teen Wolf. Heck yeah! Even though I wasn't old enough to grow a beard or any other type of facial hair. My mother spent, what seemed hours, but it wasn't on my make up. In the End I was a hairy, slicked back portrait of the Full Moon turned Scott Howard. I was the coolest kid in school. Only thing is I didn't have a friend who called himself styles, just James. Close enough.
This year for Halloween I get to go as a hard working, blue collar, not enough sleep father of 3, weekends to short, not enough sleep and time in the day husband, friend, and oh yeahhhh, wouldn't trade it for anything in the world individual this year. Best Halloween Ever! I think My Wife is go as the female version too!
My oldest son is going as The Caped Crusader BATMAN and his younger Brother is going as his sidekick, The Boy Wonder, ROBIN! My daughter on the other hand who is a teenager and in high school, is going as a Cat. She got a pair of black ears. So I guess in the spirit of things, she is a knock off version of CAT WOMAN. Meoooowww! 
So on that Note I bid you farewell.  Remember Love, Peace, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!

Until next time, enjoy.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Walking Dead addiction

So who has a Walking Dead addiction? I know my Wife and I do! So last Sunday marked the start of season 6. Waiting impatiently for it to start and while in the midst of the forever long day dream. Cramming every episode from the first 5 seasons in a one time all day event. I don't know what there is about watching zombies meeting there forever eternal sleep and end, but the satisfaction of the apocalyptic setting set in the present or near future is entertainment in its entirety. Every year goes by and a new season is once again upon us. What better way to spend your Sunday evening, than watching Rick Grimes and the gang battle bad guys, scavengers, and flesh eating zombies.
So ask yourself, if this was the end and everyone had the potential to turn into a nightmare, would or could you survive? Hmmmmmmmm, let us see. I think I would survive, but, there are some I think wouldn't. Oh well it hasn't happened yet or it might be all fictional. The lesson learned is always be prepared for anything the world might throw at you. So until next time, Love, peace, and if a zombie outbreak happens pick up your local survival guide and good luck or just stayed tune to The Real Life Millers and there might be a few tips.
Tips about what? Probably not survival, but, we could give it a try.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Its a Long Story....

So first of all I just want to say sorry, for not posting blogs. It has been one heck of  a ride. So where to begin, hmmmm, let us see. Yes that's right, it was a dark and stormy night! All seemed lost as we made our way through the door. People were shoulder to shoulder and all we could hear,was what sounded like screaming in the distance. I cleared my  throat as we stepped forward waiting in line. It was hot and humid inside as the endless line came to. More and more sounds of faint screams and in the distance flashes of light and flame. We tried to turn around, but, the crowd of people tripled in size and now we were being pushed as if we were cattle being herded into an endless light. I feared for my family and myself, as we drew near the front. I braced my children and grasped my wife's hand, as a strange individual dressed in blue came up to us, and as they reached out their hand all I could hear is, " Welcome to IHOP,  how many dinning tonight?"
Wow that was a close one, right! LOL.
Just kidding, but, in short it has been a quite bumpy ride. Just to speed things up. We were delayed in getting our home on time by almost 7 weeks. Wouldn't recommend that to anyone. We managed and I found out in that stint how strong my family is. I just wanna thank god for blessing me with such selfless people. Also as a family it made us strong. I now know that we can conquer anything. So, since we are now settled in our new home. We will be posting more blogs and we hope you enjoy them!
So until next time Love, Peace and God bless all armed service men and woman.